These are difficult economic times, but if you are trying to decide whether or not to sell your small business, this article about Skokie business,
Schaefer's Wines, Foods & Spirits, in the
August 5, 2008, Chicago Tribune, says that the economy should not deter you. Of course it also means that you should not be deterred from buying a small business in this economy either!
It does take planning, however, and Evanston Public Library has some resources that might help:
Sell your business your way : getting out, getting rich, and getting on with your life, by Heather Linton, and
Valuing your business : strategies to maximize the sale price, by Frederick D. Lipman,
The complete guide to buying a business, published by Nolo Press .
The Small Business Administration also has some advice for you in its
Small Business Planner, including information about seller financing; things to consider when taking your business public; and a checklist of items that must be written on the sales agreement.