All Business is Local: Why Place Matters More than Ever in a Global, Virtual World, Quelch, John A. and Katherine E. Jocz. c2012. (658.8 Quelc.J)
The authors examine how and why place should be an important part of strategic decision making, and how even global businesses are often the leading local brand.
Creating a Bu$iness You'll Love: Top entrepreneurs share their secrets. Chimsky-Lustig, Mark, ed. c 2011. (658.421 Creatin)
27 entrepreneurs, including Howard Schultz of Starbucks, and Craig Newmark, of craigslist, reveal decisions, and sometimes, the mistakes, they have made that helped them to start and grow successful businesses.
The First-Time Manager, Belker, Loren B., Jim McCormick, and Gary S. Topchik. c2012. (658.302 Belke.L)
The sixth edition of this management classic includes new material on increasing employee engagement, encouraging innovation and initiative, improving outcomes, and more.
Guide to Successful Consulting, Stryker, Steven C. c2012. (658.46 Stryk.S)
This book provides an essential introduction to the fundamental concepts of consulting, and contains a number of valuable tools, such as checklists, forms and letters
Executives on the Move: The Week of April 17th – 21st
Here are just a few of the interesting executive changes making headlines
over this past week: Isn’t It Ironic? Klaus Kleinfeld, CEO and chair
of aluminu...
7 years ago