Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Upcoming NextChapter Events

Mediation for Partnerships and Small Business

Wednesday, March 19, 6 pm, Third Floor Seminar Room, Main Library
Learn about options for working with mediators and using the basic principles of mediation in your everyday communications with co-workers, employees, and customers. Registration is requested.  Register online or call the Reference Desk at 847-448-8630.

Suburban Minority Contractor Association Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, March 19, 9 am, Community Meeting Room, Main Library
Agenda items include: Chicago Transit Authority bid opportunities and "Doing Business" with the CTA; City of Evanston Minority Contracting Opportunities; Basic Construction Cost Estimating Training Session; launching of the SMCA NEW Feature at Monthly Meetings; Entrepreneur Roundtable Sessions regarding membership services and networking with the experts. Registration is requested. Register online or by calling SMCA at 847-852-5010.

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