Thursday, June 11, 2015

New York Times Business Bestsellers May 2015

May 17, 2015
This Month    Business
GET WHAT'S YOURS, by Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Philip Moeller and Paul Solman. (Simon & Schuster.) A guide to deciding when to claim Social Security benefits and to getting all you’re eligible for
 when you do.  Also available as an eBook.
DEALING WITH CHINA, by Henry M. Paulson Jr.. (Twelve.) The former Treasury secretary and onetime head of Goldman Sachs
 discusses how American business and political leaders can work 
with China.  Also available as an eBook.
BECOMING STEVE JOBS, by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli. (Crown Business.) How Jobs, who started out as a brash young genius, developed a more mature management style.  Also available as an eBook.
MONEY: MASTER THE GAME, by Tony Robbins. (Simon & Schuster.) Seven steps aimed at finding financial security and creating an income for life. (†)
THE POWER OF HABIT, by Charles Duhigg. (Random House.) A Times reporter’s account of the science behind how we form, and break, habits. Also available as an eBook, an eAudioBook, and on CDs.
WORK RULES!, by Laszlo Bock. (Twelve.) A Google executive’s insights on team building and improving company-employee relations. (†)  Also available as a downloadable Audiobook.
THINK LIKE A FREAK, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. (Morrow/HarperCollins.) How to solve problems creatively, from the authors of “Freakonomics.”  Also available as an eBook, and as a downloadable Audiobook
THINKING, FAST AND SLOW, by Daniel Kahneman. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux.) The winner of the Nobel in economic science discusses how we make choices in business and personal life. Also available as a downloadable Audiobook, on on CDs.
OUTLIERS, by Malcolm Gladwell. (Back Bay/Little, Brown.) Why some people succeed — it has to do with luck and opportunities as well as talent.  Also available as an eBook, downloadable Audiobook, and on CDs
DO THE KIND THING, by Daniel Lubetzky. (Ballantine.) Ways of weaving compassion into your business dealings and personal
 life. (†)

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