Monday, March 31, 2014

NextChapter event:

Trademark, Copyright & Patent Basics for Start-Ups

Wednesday, April 2, 7 pm, Third Floor Seminar Room, Main Library
Trademark, Copyright and Patent law broken down for the new business person with no legal background.  Properly obtaining intellectual property rights can be instrumental in securely growing your business.  Ignoring the intellectual property rights of other can lead to infringement lawsuits that will seriously harm a budding business.  Join Patent Attorney, Sean Goodwin, as he shares examples will be provided of what to do and what not to do.  Register online or call the Reference Desk at 847-448-8630.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New York Times Business Best Sellers for March 2014

The New York Times

March 9, 2014
This Month    Business Books
LEAN IN, by Sheryl Sandberg with Nell Scovell. (Knopf.) The chief operating officer of Facebook urges women to pursue their careers without ambivalence.
WOLF OF WALL STREET, by Jordan Belfort. (Bantam.) The rise and fall of a financial insider.
OUTLIERS, by Malcolm Gladwell. (Back Bay/Little, Brown.) Why some people succeed — it has to do with luck and opportunities as well as talent.
THINKING, FAST AND SLOW, by Daniel Kahneman. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux.) The winner of the Nobel in economic science discusses how we make choices in business and personal life.
POWER OF HABIT, by Charles Duhigg. (Random House.) A Times reporter’s account of the science behind how we form, and break, habits.
JIM CRAMER'S GET RICH CAREFULLY, by James J. Cramer. (Blue Rider.) Investment advice and an overview of the workings of the stock market.
TRIPLE PACKAGE, by Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld. (Penguin Press.) Why some of America’s cultural groups are more
likely to succeed.
DECIDE, by Steve McClatchy. (Wiley.) Change the way you make decisions for better results and less stress.(Not currently held by EPL)
DECODED COMPANY, by Leerom Segal and others. (Portfolio/Penguin.) Using technology to attract and motivate talented employees. (Not currently held by EPL)
SECOND MACHINE AGE, by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. (Norton.) How digital technologies will change our lives
and the economy.

About the Best Sellers

A version of this Best Sellers report appears in the March 9, 2014 issue of The New York Times Book Review. Rankings on weekly lists reflect sales for the week ending February 22, 2014.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

NextChapter events

How to be Self-Employed

titleSaturday, March 22, 12 pm, Small Meeting Room, Main Library

Get advice on how to get started, and what you need to do to be self employed and work out of your home in today's world! Registration requested. Presented by Ed Perry.  Register online or call the Reference Desk at 847-448-8630. 

Basic Introduction to Accounting for Your Small Business

Monday, March 24, 9 am, Third Floor Seminar Room, Main Library
In this 3-hour workshop, accounting consultant Jean Cunningham will teach you the basic language of accounting to enhance your understanding and credibility when working with accountants, bankers and financiers. Discover the three basic accounting reports, what they are used for, and what they mean. Time is allotted to allow lots of questions. Registration is requested. Register online, or call the Reference Desk at 847-448-8630.

Legal, Financial and Insurance Aspects of Protecting Your Business

Tuesday, March 25, 12 noon, Third Floor Seminar Room, Main Library
A panel of experts will discuss legal risks to small business, including those related to form of business, compliance, registrations and filings, communications, contracts, website issues, managing relationships, classifying employees and independent contractors, and capturing and protecting intellectual property.  Additionally, you will learn about the type of insurance your business will need, including liability umbrella, data breech, key man and other forms of insurance; and how to budget for insurance, prepare for taxes, and value your business. Registration is requested. Register online, or call the Reference Desk at 847-448-8630. 

Legal Issues for Startups

Wednesday, March 26, 5:30 pm, Third Floor Seminar Room, Main Library
Get an overview of the legal considerations you need to consider when starting and growing a business, including when to form an entity, entity selection, founders agreements, managing and protecting intellectual property, and basic contract issues.  Register online, or call the Reference Desk at 847-448-8630.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Upcoming NextChapter Events

Mediation for Partnerships and Small Business

Wednesday, March 19, 6 pm, Third Floor Seminar Room, Main Library
Learn about options for working with mediators and using the basic principles of mediation in your everyday communications with co-workers, employees, and customers. Registration is requested.  Register online or call the Reference Desk at 847-448-8630.

Suburban Minority Contractor Association Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, March 19, 9 am, Community Meeting Room, Main Library
Agenda items include: Chicago Transit Authority bid opportunities and "Doing Business" with the CTA; City of Evanston Minority Contracting Opportunities; Basic Construction Cost Estimating Training Session; launching of the SMCA NEW Feature at Monthly Meetings; Entrepreneur Roundtable Sessions regarding membership services and networking with the experts. Registration is requested. Register online or by calling SMCA at 847-852-5010.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

NextChapter for Evanston entrepreneurs

On March 4, 2014, the City of Evanston and the Evanston Public Library launched NextChapter – a resource hub designed to nurture Evanston’s freelance, solopreneur, and home-based businesses at their earliest stage of development. Differentiating NextChapter from other regional library-based business resource centers is the focus on free programming, provided with private sector partners.

The business stage and business topic workshops, mentorships, and networking events will support the graduation of emerging firms from their “kitchen table” to Evanston’s co-working spaces, incubators and office spaces as their businesses grow. Individuals will receive help writing the next chapter of their business’sdevelopment through this enhancement of the extensive business support programs, consultations, publications, and research materials already offered by the Evanston Public Library.

Participants in NextChapter programs will collaborate not only with Evanston Public Library staff experienced in business development resources, but also with successful entrepreneurs who will lead workshops at low or no cost to participants.

If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, educator, or an individual with an expertise willing to help develop Evanston’s budding entrepreneurs and earliest stage businesses, we invite you to submit a proposal for a class, workshop, or presentation.. Those who offer to teach a workshop or a series of courses will help individuals “turn the page” and become more successful.

NextChapter was created to provide a focal point for Evanston residents dispersed throughout the city. Having a central meeting place for the fiercely independent, risk taking, and creative freelance and solopreneur community will lead to opportunities for supplier partnerships or contracts with many of the downtown Evanston-based companies. Additionally, it is anticipated that programs offered at NextChapter will also be relevant to career changers and seasoned professionals who need instruction on recently updated software or web applications.

To learn more about NextChapter programming, please visit or call 847-448-8013.